"Ih, coba deh kalo lo kurusan, pasti banyak banget cowo yang ngantri..."
"Sebenernya lo cantik tau, tapi coba deh rambutnya dipanjangin, terus di cat coklat"
dan "coba kalau lo.." lain sebagainya.
Pernah pastinya kan denger pernyataan sejenis ini, gwe, sering.
Sadar atau enggak, all these things membawa kita ke satu paradigma 'oh, gwe harus begini biar begini..', oh gwe harus cantik biar punya banyak cowok, oh, gwe harus kurus biar masuk kategori populer, oh gwe harus sering keliling dunia biar 'dianggep' sama temen-temen sekolah gwe, oh gwe harus masuk sekolah paling mahal biar gwe punya banyak temen. (and yes ini lanjutan dari post sebelumnya)
All these things menciptakan satu rasa dalam diri kita, insecurity. Perasaan was-was dan gak aman, perasaan 'i can't be who i am', perasaan 'i have to be like si x, y, z' percayalah mungkin ini gak kasat mata, but if you sense a lil bit more, insecurity ini udah melanda banyak anak muda zaman sekarang, lebih khususnya wanita.
For men, ada satu yang mulai pudar di hari-hari ini, integrity. Banyak pria yang udah gak bertindak layaknya how God made them to be as a man, to lead, to be role model. Banyak pria yang do anything supaya mereka 'dianggap', banyak pria yang berusaha semampunya menggunakan segala cara agar orang memandang mereka sebagai 'pria' yang berhasil. Sayangnya, takaran berhasil yang mereka pakai bukan takaranNya. For many boys, mungkin takaran berhasil mereka adalah kalau dia bisa punya pacar cantik, pacar pintar, atau takaran berhasil mereka adalah kalau dia berhasil punya jabatan yang oke, punya mobil keren.. dan dengan segala cara mereka melakukan apapun demi mewujudkan standar 'berhasil' itu.
As i mentioned earlier, gwe lagi suka banget sama Proverbs 31, why? Because di pasal ini, bener-bener dijabarin wanita yang sesungguhnya tuh kayak apa.. and for men, buka deh Job 29. Baca berulang kali, and with some versions, dan you girls will melt with this kind of man, dan for boys, maybe kalian akan pengen jadi pria seperti ini. Kalau versi Proverbs 31 pasti udah sering tau lah ya, udah pernah baca dan udah 'ohh iya iya cewek kayak gitu', so i dig deeper about yang boys aja ya..
“Oh, how I long for the good old days,
when God took such very good care of me.
He always held a lamp before me
and I walked through the dark by its light.
Oh, how I miss those golden years
when God’s friendship graced my home,
When the Mighty One was still by my side
and my children were all around me,
When everything was going my way,
and nothing seemed too difficult.
when God took such very good care of me.
He always held a lamp before me
and I walked through the dark by its light.
Oh, how I miss those golden years
when God’s friendship graced my home,
When the Mighty One was still by my side
and my children were all around me,
When everything was going my way,
and nothing seemed too difficult.
“When I walked downtown
and sat with my friends in the public square,
Young and old greeted me with respect;
I was honored by everyone in town.
When I spoke, everyone listened;
they hung on my every word.
People who knew me spoke well of me;
my reputation went ahead of me.
I was known for helping people in trouble
and standing up for those who were down on their luck.
The dying blessed me,
and the bereaved were cheered by my visits.
All my dealings with people were good.
I was known for being fair to everyone I met.
I was eyes to the blind
and feet to the lame,
Father to the needy,
and champion of abused aliens.
I grabbed street thieves by the scruff of the neck
and made them give back what they’d stolen.
I thought, ‘I’ll die peacefully in my own bed,
grateful for a long and full life,
A life deep-rooted and well-watered,
a life limber and dew-fresh,
My soul suffused with glory
and my body robust until the day I die.’
and sat with my friends in the public square,
Young and old greeted me with respect;
I was honored by everyone in town.
When I spoke, everyone listened;
they hung on my every word.
People who knew me spoke well of me;
my reputation went ahead of me.
I was known for helping people in trouble
and standing up for those who were down on their luck.
The dying blessed me,
and the bereaved were cheered by my visits.
All my dealings with people were good.
I was known for being fair to everyone I met.
I was eyes to the blind
and feet to the lame,
Father to the needy,
and champion of abused aliens.
I grabbed street thieves by the scruff of the neck
and made them give back what they’d stolen.
I thought, ‘I’ll die peacefully in my own bed,
grateful for a long and full life,
A life deep-rooted and well-watered,
a life limber and dew-fresh,
My soul suffused with glory
and my body robust until the day I die.’
“Men and women listened when I spoke,
hung expectantly on my every word.
After I spoke, they’d be quiet,
taking it all in.
They welcomed my counsel like spring rain,
drinking it all in.
When I smiled at them, they could hardly believe it;
their faces lit up, their troubles took wing!
I was their leader, establishing the mood
and setting the pace by which they lived.
Where I led, they followed.”
hung expectantly on my every word.
After I spoke, they’d be quiet,
taking it all in.
They welcomed my counsel like spring rain,
drinking it all in.
When I smiled at them, they could hardly believe it;
their faces lit up, their troubles took wing!
I was their leader, establishing the mood
and setting the pace by which they lived.
Where I led, they followed.”
Di paragraf pertama Ayub lagi nostalgia, zaman dimana dia bener-bener jalan sama Tuhan, zaman dimana dia bener-bener punya hubungan yang deket sama Tuhan, that's how a man should be, beside God, jalan sama Tuhan berdampingan. Paragraf kedua, diceritain kalau Ayub ini bener-bener dihargain sama orang-orang di sekitarnya, tua dan muda hormat sama dia. Ketika dia berbicara, semua orang dengerin, which is dia pasti bijaksana dan berwibawa banget. Dia dikenal orang sebagai orang yang sering ngebantu orang lain, dia dikenal orang sebagai orang yang adil, i like this verse, 'i was eyes to the blind, and feet to the lame, father to the needy, and champion of abused aliens'. Paragraf ketiga bilang dia nangkep maling di jalan dan suruh si maling balikin barang curiannya, dia akan mati dengan damai setelah punya hidup yang panjang, dan lain sebagainya, silahkan dibaca.. hihi..Bisa dibilang Ayub ini orang yang punya integritas pastinya, karena kalau enggak, dia gak bakal di hormati orang lain sampai sebegitunya.
For girls, untuk Proverbs 31 i like the verse 'She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future'. Laugh without fear of the future means she has the feeling of secureness itu, dia gak peduli sama apa yang terjadi because she secure in God.
Bahas tentang Integrity dan Secure ini bakalan jadi panjang dan keren, dan gwe gak sanggup dan belom capable enough to explain it, jadiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. mari para wanita dan pria dateng ke seminar ini #promosi
Di seminar ini kita akan dibekali lebih kece lagi tentang how to behave as a man and woman. Deeper than that, we'll know sebenernya how God made us to be. Yaaaa pokoknya bakalan keren banget dengan pembicara okeee. So, kalau mau ikutan, boleh langsung daftar di hari H, boleh juga nanya-nanya by email or komen ke aku, atau langsung mention ke twitter @sotministry :D am SOOOOOOO excited for this event! Bakalan rise up nih para pria dan wanitanya Allah............ #tsaaaaaaaah
SENAYAN CITY 9TH FLOOR, THIS SATURDAY FEBRUARY 8th 2 PM, COME! you are welcomely invited!
Lha wong di Dopeng aja jarang banget denger bu Milka ngomong :D Ini special banget tin... ^^
hahaha iya kak! ayo dateng yaaaaa.. ajak2in cewe2 yp yg lainnn :D
Waaaa~ sayang banget ga bisa dateng :'(
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