15 August 2013


Too often we compromise with things that break God's heart. Too often we think, little things we do doesn't matter to God. Too often we think God will understand why we do some 'little sins' because we're still young.

Ya kan?

Terlalu sering kita menganggap sepele Tuhan dan mengira Tuhan pasti maklum koq sama kita, toh kita masih muda.. Ngerokok? Gak apalah..... Tuhan maklum koq. Minum-minuman? Clubbing? Duh, semua anak muda begitu koq.. even tuh si A, anak pendeta, tapi tiap sabtu clubbing. Narkoba? Boleh lah ya icip sekali-kali, Tuhan ngerti koq pasti.

Seberapa sering anak-anak muda berpikir demikian? Seberapa banyak anak-anak muda yang berharap Tuhan maklum dengan kelakuan kita, dengan dosa-dosa 'iseng-iseng' yang kita lakukan. While actually we know, those things break His heart. While in our deepest heart we know God doesn't like it. While in our conscience we know, it's wrong.

And the truth is, all of us has been called to live holy. To live set apart from the world, to live as how He teaches us to.

You are to be holy to me because I, the LORD, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own. -Leviticus 20:26

and now the question is, will you answer His calling? will i answer His calling? To live holy. To live set apart.

Live set apart from the world doesn't mean kita jadi super terkucil, super ansos, gak tau apa-apa, gak ngerti perkembangan dunia dan anak muda yang terjadi. Bukan berarti jadi mengucilkan diri tinggal di gunung atau di kamar gak pernah keluar, gak ke mall. No, no! Bukan set apart yang kayak gitu, bukan holy yang kayak gitu. Tapi holy yang be a light in the darkness. Live set apart yang meski hidup di dunia but we set the bounderies, sejauh mana kita bergaul, sejauh mana kita bersikap and stick to integrity not to break His heart.

And this is a CALLING for all of us! Let's respond to it.. Pengen tahu lebih lanjut? Yuk dateng, ke Senayan City lantai 9 jam 5 sore, Sabtu tanggal 24 Agustus 2013. It's youth and teens special service, ARISE! We're gonna praise and worship Him, dan denger sharing dari anak-anak muda yang luar biasa gaul dan kreatif di bidangnya masing-masing but stick with God and choose to live a holy life.

Mark your calender. Saturday. 24 August 2013. Senayan City 9th floor. 5 pm! 
It's open for public, it's free, it's gonna be a BIG DAY in your life. 

Pengen dateng, tapi malu?
Will you miss a WOW THING hanya karena malu? I won't. :)

So, let's come together! 

For more information, mention my twitter, or @sotministry. For the video promo, click HERE

ps: entah bagaimana caranya, tanpa direncanakan pastinya, tema konferensi anak-anak muda di Israel juga punya tema yang sama! 

Coba gimana gwe gak dagdigdugserrrr.. It means it comes from One heart kan? God's heart. Dari Israel sampai Indonesia, masa iya temanya bisa samaan!! :"""D So, masih gak percaya kalau BIG THINGS GONNA HAPPEN THROUGH ARISE? :"")