What a moment
You have brought me to
Such a freedom I have found in You.
You're the healer
Who makes all things new
Yeah yeah
I'm not going back
I'm moving ahead
Here to declare to you
My past is over in You
All things are made new
Surrendered my life to Christ
I'm moving moving forward
You have risen
With all power in Your hands
You have given me
A second chance
Hallelujah hallelujah
Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm not going back
I'm moving ahead
I'm here to declare to you
My past is over in you
All things are made new
I'm moving, moving forward
You make all things new
Yes You make all things new
And I will follow You
yapph.. really love this song.. memberkati bangett.. the point from this song is MOVING FORWARD.. forget the past.. yang berlalu biarlah berlalu.. dan ini seperti theme song buat gwe beberapa hari ini.. dan selalu jadi lagu yang gwe puter tiap malem sebelum gwe tidur.. kenapa?
karena gwe harus moving forward.. segala hal yang terjadi, yang bikin gwe mandek di tengah jalan, semua masalah yang bikin gwe seakan pengen menyerah ama keadaan dan marah2.. itu semua.. harus tinggalin di belakang.. serahin semua ke Yang Kuasa.. setuju? ayo sama sama kita MOVING FORWARD.. yang buruk buruk, semua masa lalu kita, leave it behind dan moving forward!!
be blessed,
Teen, mantep bgt perasaan baru beberapa hari lalu gw baca blog u & add u d FB
Hari nie sdh bnyk bgt artikel barunya
dpt pencerahan y he3x. . .
yg satu ini cocok bgt sama gw
huh. . .
smoga yg buruk2 dr gw d masa lalu ngak akan pernah terulang lagi.
thxs teen bwt artikel yg bgs ini.
hi ndra..
thanks a lot yah uda mampir kesini.. :p
btw loe indra yg mana ya?
di fb gwe banyak nama indra jga soalnya.. hehe.. :))
yaph.. and semoga loe juga bisa moving forward and leave it all behind ya.. :)
he3x. . .
iya jg bnyk bgt yg namanya indra
klo gw indra "http://www.facebook.com/indra23gunawan"
thanks :)
uda gwe search.. tapi kayaknya gak bisa nulis di wall u.. di private ya? :)
duh sorry bgt
Iya sepertinya gw pernah setting tu wall jd private biz dulu gw jrng ngenet jd supaya yg post ngak ngambek krn ngak d respon yud deh d bwt private he3x :p
skrg sudah ngak private kok
thanks :)
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