1. moving forward – israel houghton
‘i’m not going back, i’m moving ahead.. i’m here to declare to You, my past is over in You, all things are made new, surrended my life to Christ.. i’m moving moving forward..’
2. dengan sayapMu – sari simorangkir
‘dengan sayapMu ku akan terbang tinggi di tengah badai hidup ku tak
menyerah.. Kau kekuatan dan perlindungan.. Bagiku.. pertolonganku di tempat maha tinggi ku mengangkat tanganku, aku berserah..’
3. Tuhan di hidupku – sari simorangkir
‘di telapak tanganMu tertulis namaku, di dalam genggamanMu seluruh hidupku, sungguh bangga ku punya Bapa sepertiMu, yang tak pernah melupakanku.. di tengah badai hidup Kau menemaniku, di atas gunung batu, Kau bawa diriku..’
4. tak pernah sendiri – UX band
‘saat kau jatuh dan terluka, hidup hampa kau rasa, jangan pernah takut dan menyerah karna ku pernah merasakannya, saat kau sendiri menanti harapan yang tak pasti, janganlah kau bimbang menjalani, karna semua pernah aku lalui’
5. trust in the Lord – hillsongs kids
‘trust trust in the Lord, lean not on your own understanding.. in all.. all of your ways acknowledge Him, he’ll make your path straight.. ’
6. He knows my name – israel and new breed
‘He knows my name, He knows my every thought, He sees each tear that fall and He hears me when i call..’
7. Did you know – hillsongs kids
‘did you know there’s someone loving you, He lives in me and other people too.. did you know He died on the cross, did you know His name is Jesus..’
8. Not forgotten – hillsongs kids
‘i am not forgotten.. i am not forgotten.. i am not forgotten.. God knows my name.. He knows my name..’
9. di saat badai – disciples
‘di saat badai bergelora, ku akan terbang bersamaMu, Bapa Kau raja atas smesta, ku tenang sbab Kau Allahku..’
10. I am a friend of GOD – israel and new breed
‘who am i that You are mindful of me? That You hear me when i call.. is it true that You are thinking of me, how You love me? It’s amazing..’
11.Trading my sorrows – israel and new breed
‘i am trading my sorrows.. i am trading my shame, i am laying them down for the joy of the Lord.. i am trading my sickness i am trading my pain, i am laying them down for the joy of the Lord..’
12. When the spirit of the Lord – hillsongs kids
‘when the spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart i will dance like David dance.. when the spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart i will sing like David sang..’
13. Who am I – casting crowns
‘I am a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow, a wave tossed in the ocean, a vapor in the wind. Still you hear me when I'm calling.. Lord, you catch me when I'm falling, And you've told me who I am. I am yours.’
14. Redeemer – nicole c. mullen
‘the very same God that spins things in orbit runs to the weary, the worn, and the weak. and the same gentle hands that held me when I'm broken, they conquered death to bring me victory’
15. Hanya Anugerah – maria shandi
‘disaat kusendiri jalani hidup ini ku tau Kau slalu ada memperhatikanku, saat kutelurusi perjalanan hidupku, sungguh hanya anugerahMu jadikanku berarti..’

hmmphh.. berbakat juga kao.. hehhee..
masalah melepas.. bkn ny pengecut.. but.. kdg ktika kita "mencintai seseorang" qta ga trbuka bwt bnr2 melihat dengan jelas. is he really the one for me????? smuany tertutup am nafu qta yg trlalu besar untuk memiliki nya,,
dear anonim..
hm.. thanks buat komennya..
tapi kayaknya agak salah gitu.. harusnya kan di post yang bawah.. yg ttg topik melepas.. :D
ya ya ya.. benarr.. pas suka sama orang, orang itu jadi keliatan perfecto ya?
btw lain kali tulis inisial anda ya.. spaya kita bs saling mengenal.. :D
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